国連環境計画が提唱するInternational Day of Zero Waste (国際ゴミZero Day)に際して、大地の種はゴミZeroキャンペーンソングを作曲し、UNEP のInternational Day of Zero Waste Activityに登録しました。(2024年3月25日)
On the occasion of the International Day of Zero Waste proposed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Seeds of the Earth composed the Zero Waste Campaign Song and registered it with UNEP’s International Day of Zero Waste Activity.
Trash on the street is someone’s lucky drop. Picking it up means bringing good luck to yourself.
The India-Japan music exchange tour (Osaka, Hiroshima, Izumo, Kyoto, Tokyo) of GlobalKulture Organisation®️ starting in April will be positioned as part of the Waste Zero campaign.
After the Seeds of the Earth India Tour from December 2023 to January 2024, a musical exchange will begin with the NGO GlobalKulture Organisation based in Bangalore, South India, connecting Japan, India, and the world.
We have opened a crowdfunding campaign at 16:00 today, the full moon in Libra, as a participatory window to invite artists and entertainment professionals who want to expand their business overseas to join us!
植物音楽ユニット・大地の種/Seeeds of Earth Kackey@dabigtree(カッキー・アット・ダ。ビッグトゥリー)
【ミトコンドリアオーケストラ×GlobalKulture Organisation®️ 日本×インド交流イベント「ミトコンドリアと音楽による調和の世界」】 [Mitochondria Orchestra x GlobalKulture Organisation®️ Japan x India Exchange Event “The World of Harmony through Mitochondria and Music”]
【入場料】 早割り:5500円(500円を西光禅寺様へ寄付)※2024月3月28日まで [Eary bird Admission] 5,500 yen (500 yen donated to Saikou Zenji Temple)
6000円(500円を西光禅寺様へ寄付)※当日清算 [Eary bird Admission] 6,000 yen (500 yen donated to Saikou Zenji Temple)
●1:00pm OPEN|1:30pm START ◾️インド-日本 スーパーコラボレーション!ミトコンドリアオーケストラコンサート ◾️檀上和尚 × Arun Sivag トークライブ テーマ: 「ミトコンドリアと音楽による調和の世界」/ Theme: “The World of Harmony through Mitochondria and Music
● 4:00pm ◾️懇親タイム〜 ◾️GlobalKulture Organisation®️のプレゼン/ Reception time & presentation by GlobalKulture Organisation ®️
● 5:00pm CLOSE
ーーー ● 5:00pm〜6:00pm 【インドトップパーカッショニストArun×トップシンガーSangeethaによるインド古典リズム&ヴォイス サウンドヒーリングワークショップ】 Indian classical rhythm & voice sound healing workshop by India’s top percussionist Arun and top singer Sangeetha
【参加費】 5000円 最少人数4名~最大10名 [Participation Fee] 5,000 yen | Minimum number of participants 4people〜MAX 10people
Music of the Plants “Seeds of Earth” Exchange Concert was held at GATE, Nepal’s leading hospitality management school that sends interns to various countries including Switzerland and Japan.
Everyone at GATE is very good at Japanese because they are taking Japanese classes.
We will continue to communicate with GATE and expand this kind of international music exchange to Nepal, Japan, and other countries as part of the activities of the Global Kulture Organization®️.
Thank you to Keshab and Pokharel Akemi Honda from Oshin foundation, Yayoi Yamamoto, Khem Lakai san, Prava Amatya san, Jiwak san, everyone from GATE
ABOUT GATE – The Best and Leading Hospitality Management College in Nepal
Global Academy of Tourism and Hospitality Education (GATE) is one of the best and leading Hospitality Management college in Nepal. GATE is also the first academy in Nepal to win an International award at the World Hospitality Award, Paris in the category of the “Most Innovative Training Program -2011” and “The Best Professional Success” finalist – 2015.
With our long association with the Swiss Hospitality Benchmark, hotelleriesuisse, and since January 2021, being a member of the EHL-certified school network, we are proud to offer bespoke, time-tested Swiss model hospitality education in Nepal.
This is the super collaboration with Seeds of Earth and Mr. Mangal Man Maharjan who is Gong and Singing bowl player and owner of Himalayan Sound Healing!!
Thank you, Mr. Mangal Man Maharjan, Brabim Maharjan and Oscar for sharing nice time!!!
植物音楽ユニット・大地の種/Music of the Plants “Seeds of Earth” @daichinotane
Chiyo Kaiga @chiyo_styling : Piano&vocal
Kackey@dabigtree @kackeybigtree : Djembe&vocal Sponsored by 株式会社FREEing
We, Seeds of Earth met again in Kathmandu Nepal with Mr. Mousam Gurung, a famous musician in Nepal!
Mousam, Jun Amanto and we, Seeds of Earth met when we appeared in Lim Kah Wai’s film [COME&GO], which was shot in Nakazaki-cho, Osaka 5yeas ago.
He came from a very poor family and left home at the age of 11 to work in Kathmandu, then worked in factories in Hiroshima and Yamaguchi, Japan, while sending money home to his parents, before moving to Osaka, Nagoya, and Tokyo.
In Tokyo, he started his own business as a day laborer and then as a subcontractor. Today, he is not only a famous singer, but also runs a travel agency, a shared house, and a Japanese restaurant/kizuna in Katumandu.
He supports ethnic musicians and participates in many charities and programs for Nepal and the world.
The food at his Japanese restaurant Kizuna is delicious!
We returned the favor with singing and Music of the Plants .
I look forward to collaborating with him in the future.
It was nice time with students and Keshab Sapkota san and Akemi Honda san of Oshin Foundation, an organization that runs a Japanese language school in Kathmandu and Japan-Nepal International Exchange Program.
The plant music unit “Seeds of the Earth” played music for the students, and they sang “Songs of the Four Seasons” to welcome and thank us.
What a wonderful musical exchange!
We, Seeds of Earth intend to continue this kind of musical exchange as part of the activities of GlobalKulture Organisation ®️.
Seeds of Earth had the opportunity to perform at a facility where elderly people were living in Bangalore, India.
At the Asaktha Poshaka Sabha in Bangalore, South India, an institution where about 200 elderly people live, meals are distributed to them free of charge, and they are assigned different roles.
Arun Sivag organized a concert by the plant music unit Seeds of the Earth as part of the activities of the NPO GlobalKulture Organisation®️, which he runs.
It was Sankranti. Happy Pongal!
To provide food, shelter and care to uncared/neglected Senior Citizens by establishing Home for Senior Citizens. The benefits of the Society shall be open to all irrespective of caste, creed, sex and religion.
To work for the upliftment of the underprivileged persons of the Society.
This is my honor to perform our, Seeds of Earth’s music concert at Bangalore International Center. Can’t wait to see you all!
Seeds of Earth @daichinotane
Piano&vocal: Chiyo Kaiga @chiyo_styling
Djembe&vocal: Kackey@dabigtree @kackeybigtree Sponsored by @freeing.official
We are also be able to show @music_oftheplants
Repost @bicblr with @use.repost
・・・ January 14 | Sunday | 11:00am
Music of the Plants: Seeds of Earth
A Japanese World Music Duo
Chiyo Kaiga and Kackey form the Japanese Duo “Music of the Plants: Seeds of Earth.” They not only explore the synergy between European and African musical traditions but also engage in spontaneous improvisation, using innovative tools like the “Bamboo” device. Their musical dialogue with nature resonates in their performances, creating a unique musical experience.
Chiyo Kaiga engages the audience with her piano and vocal talents, while Kackey adds the rhythmic beats of the djembe and his vocals. Together, they compose and perform songs inspired by a deep connection to nature, creating a harmony that blends the earthy tones of drums with the notes of the piano.
Thank you @arunsivag @globalkultureindia @christo18 and all of @garden_city_university for giving us such a great opportunity to perform our music and presentation of Music of the Plants
SET LIST: ▪️Power of the seeds of earth ▪️Karunada Thayi/カルナダタイ ▪️MItakuye Oyasin/ミタクエオヤシン ▪️Izanagi and Izanami from Japanese mythology /国産み神話・イザナギとイザナミ ▪️般若心経 -Heart Sutra- ▪️Ohayo!!
植物音楽ユニット・大地の種/Seeds of Earth
⚫︎Piano&vocal: Chiyo Kaiga ⚫︎Djembe&vocal: Kackey@dabigtree Sponsored by 株式会社FREEing
Repost @garden_city_university with @use.repost
・・・ Japanese world music Duo Chiya Kaiga and Kackey performed at GCU. Their collaboration at Garden City University is a mesmerizing journey, blending emotion and technique seamlessly. With instruments like the innovative ‘Bamboo’ from Music of the Plants, they craft a unique, nature-inspired musical tapestry.