J-African popsシンガーの先駆者。天性の類稀なるパワフルな歌声と森羅万象から感じ取るインスピレーションから生み出されるオリジナル楽曲は多くの人々の感動を呼び、国内ではフジロック、サマソニなど大型フェス出演。その人氣は国境を越え、ジンバブエで開催の南部アフリカ最大級のフェス「ハラレ国際芸術祭」出演。「HIFA2017」ではジンバブエの国民的歌手Oliver Mtukudziと共演し話題となる。また、米Japan Festival Boston、アフリカ3ヶ国ツアー「Tumaini Festival 2017」(マラウイ共和国)出演など、世界を舞台に活躍中。
The dynamic duo from Japan comprises singer-songwriters who skillfully meld Western music, African drums, and blended vocals, crafting music that draws inspiration from the vast tapestry of the world.
Their proficiency extends to spontaneous improvisation, creating music on the spot using the “Bamboo” device, a component of the Music of the Plants developed in northern Italy. Through these sessions, they engage in a unique musical conversation with the flora.
In a landmark event in April 2023, “Seeds of the Earth” triumphantly staged two concerts in Malaysia, marking their inaugural overseas tour. The tour, meticulously organized by Ms. Rita Mahinder of the Royal Commonwealth Society of Malaysia (RCS), was made possible through the generous sponsorship of FREEing.”
Chiyo Kaiga , the pianist and vocalist, brings a rich tapestry of European musical influences to the duo. With a penchant for soulful melodies and heartfelt lyrics, Chiyo creates a harmonious blend of emotion and technique.
Kackey Dabigtree , the master of the Djembe and vocals, injects the rhythmic heartbeat of African drums into their collaborative sound. His versatile vocal skills add depth and texture to their music, creating a fusion of cultural elements.
Together, Chiyo Kaiga and Kackey Dabigtree form a dynamic duo that not only explores the synergy between European and African musical traditions but also engages in spontaneous improvisation, using innovative tools like the “Bamboo” device from the Music of the Plants. Their musical dialogue with nature resonates in their performances, creating a unique and unforgettable musical experience.
J-African popsシンガーの先駆者。天性の類稀なるパワフルな歌声と森羅万象から感じ取るインスピレーションから生み出されるオリジナル楽曲は多くの人々の感動を呼び、国内ではフジロック、サマソニなど大型フェス出演。その人氣は国境を越え、ジンバブエで開催の南部アフリカ最大級のフェス「ハラレ国際芸術祭」出演。「HIFA2017」ではジンバブエの国民的歌手Oliver Mtukudziと共演し話題となる。また、米Japan Festival Boston、アフリカ3ヶ国ツアー「Tumaini Festival 2017」(マラウイ共和国)出演など、世界を舞台に活躍中。