With very simple dance composition, a logo given each time is to express my
passion against my performance and to show the secret of my dance, which is called
This is an only regularly-scheduled Kabuku-mai’s performance and an only
chance that you can experience a pure Kabuku-mai.
2017年11月よりピアノシンガー海外千代と植物音楽ユニット・大地の種/Music of the Plants “Seeds of Earth”を結成し活動中。
Jun Amanto(ダンサー)、針山愛美(ダンサー)、Arun Sivag from India(パーカッショニスト)、Drukmo Gyal Yogini from Tibet(マントラシンガー)、Steve Eto(パーカッショニスト)等と共演。
Web Site -> https://kackey.info/
FB/Twitter/Instagram -> kackeybigtree
YouTube -> https://www.youtube.com/user/kackeydjembe
大地の種Web Site -> https://www.daichinotane.com/
Jun is a butoh dancer,performing worldwide his original Kabuku-Mai dance which is based on his discovery of the unique way that the ancient Japanese people aurally moved their bodies
the movemet,he realized, reflects harmonious way of living which is all about achieving the highest good of all beings. and he suggests that relearning it can help us retrieve and remember the connection this modern society has lost
in 2001,he established a community-cafe Salon de AManTO to provide a space for nurturing diverse and creative ideas that serve humanity. It led to be a big cultural movement that is known as AMantTo Phenomenonand it has attracted more than 100 shops, restaurants and galleries in its neighborhood. By 2012 ,the movement has grown to become as eco village`Area AMant To`,with 11shops under the direct management. The team has been also committed to working with local and global charities, such as supporting its recovery in Tohoku area,orgnizing events lice ‘active lohas’ and ‘365 earth day’, and helping refugees. The consistent effort and the determination of the team has been drawing much attention from the media overseas such as Korea,Philippiens and Indonesia.
2017年11月よりピアノシンガー海外千代と植物音楽ユニット・大地の種/Music of the Plants “Seeds of Earth”を結成し活動中。 オリジナル楽曲、インプロヴィゼーション(即興音楽)を演奏。 植物の生体電位をシンセサイザーの音に変換するデバイス”Bamboo”を用いてのセッションも行う。 古民家、ライブハウス、東大寺、平城宮跡、伊弉諾神宮、出雲大神宮などで演奏。 Jun Amanto(ダンサー)、針山愛美(ダンサー)、Arun Sivag from India(パーカッショニスト)、Drukmo Gyal Yogini from Tibet(マントラシンガー)、Steve Eto(パーカッショニスト)等と共演。